You might face a problem where Google Chrome is not opening after a double click. Chrome may stop working without errors on Windows 10, 11, 8.1, or 7. Maybe it was working last night, but after a Windows update or restart, it is not working.
It makes you go crazy when your favorite browser is not working, and you don’t want to use other browsers because Chrome has all your installed extensions, bookmarks, and saved passwords.
One can also import these browsing data to another browser, but once you love Chrome, you can’t leave it. If browsers like Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge work without any issues, then you need to investigate the case with Google’s browser.
So let’s discuss in detail to find the reason behind why Chrome is acting weird on your PC and how to fix it.
Have You Taken These Steps To Fix The Chrome?
Have you tried fixing this issue using –
- It is removing the Chrome process from the task manager ( If this Just happened).
- Ran Malware Scan.
- Did you restart the PC multiple times?
- Completely Reset Google Chrome.
- Reinstalled Chrome?
- I tried to open it in safe mode.
But all the above solution doesn’t work? Then you are at the right place. (If you haven’t tried the above solutions, then try them before you proceed below)
Why Won’t Google Chrome Open?
If you have gone through all the above steps but still cannot start or google Chrome only opens once, then never again. It means your browser is affected by some malware or a third-party program is stopping it from opening.
It may be due to Antivirus, 3rd Party Firewall, Firewall installed by Antivirus, OR you have installed such programs that are causing a problem.
In such cases, the Ownership of Google chrome got changed, and you can’t start it from your user account.
As mentioned on Google Chrome Support Page, 3 Programs may cause this issue-
- Spyware Doctor
- Comodo Firewall
- McAfee Enterprise
If you have any of the above programs installed, disable them and create an Exception in the Firewall settings for Chrome. Now re-enable those programs and try removing Spyware Doctor; if these don’t fix this issue, proceed next.
Ways to Repair Chrome on Windows 11, 10, 8/8.1 & 7
If this just happened, then you need to try these two steps first –
1. End Chrome Process from Task manager – Open Task Manager and Kill Every process of Google Chrome.

Check if it is working or not. If working, then Great! If No
2. Reboot Your Computer and check again.
3. There may be another user account on your PC. Log in to that user account and check. The first user account is affected if it works on other user accounts.
If it doesn’t work on any user account, then Chrome is problematic for all users.
Method 1. Change Chrome Permissions
If all the above solutions couldn’t resolve this error before Resetting Chrome or Reinstalling it (This may also not work), try this fix. It will indeed resolve this issue. [This method worked for more than 500K users]
As written above, Google chrome ownership is affected by some malware or incompatible programs. We need to get the privilege back for the same user account. To do so, follow these steps –
1. Go to Shortcut of Chrome Right-click on it > Open File Location.
You can also open the Chrome folder by navigating to:
Computer > C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application
C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application If it is 32-bit OS.
Check whether you have a 32 or 64-bit OS.
It may also in –
Anyhow you have to open the Chrome Application folder; this location remains the same irrespective of the Windows version you are using. It would be the same on Windows 7, 8/8.1, and Windows 10/11.
2. Now, create a new shortcut for the Chrome application on the desktop. (Right-click on Chrome and click send to desktop)
3. Right Click on New Shortcut and Go to Properties.
4. Go to the Security tab.
5. Click on Advanced.

6. Once you click on the Advanced option, you will get another window named Advanced Security Settings. Here click on the Change Option.

7. After Clicking on Change in the owner section, you will get another window to Select User or Group; in the box below, type your USER NAME (Mine is My Lappy) and Click on Check Names.
It will turn to COMPUTER NAME/USER NAME (Mine is like SANDEEP/MY LAPPY) and Click on OK.

8. Now Go to Effective Access Tab in Advanced Security Settings, and click on Select a User.

9. After clicking on Select a user same window of user or group will appear again; type USER name, and click on Check Names again.

10. Hit OK to it.
11. Hit Apply / OK on the Advanced Security Settings Window.
Then Apply / OK on Chrome Shortcut – Properties Window. It means saving all the changes you have made.
Now try to open Google Chrome; it will open and work correctly. If not, then restart your computer and check. Delete the older Chrome shortcut from the Start menu, Taskbar, and replace it with a Modified one.
After following the above steps, you can open Chrome as usual.
Updated [2022] Fix To Repair Chrome
Many users reported that the above fix, “changing chrome ownership,” is also not working for them. The latest Windows 10 has some compatibility issues and can stop Chrome from opening.
In this case, follow these methods-
Method 2. Rename Chrome and Create New Shortcut
This method will help if any other program corrupts the Chrome shortcut. It would help if you tried it before following the other procedures mentioned below.
1. Go to This PC or My Computer and open the C drive.
2. Navigate to this location C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application.
3. Inside the application folder, find Chrome.exe or Chrome.
4. Right-click on Chrome and rename it to another name like Chrome_bak.

5. Now Right Click on Chrome_bak and Send it to Desktop (Create Shortcut).
6. On the desktop, rename this shortcut from Chrome_bak to Google Chrome.

7. Double-click to open the newly created shortcut, and you will be able to launch Google Chrome.
If Chrome is pinned to the Taskbar, unpin the older shortcut and pin the new one.

Now you can access Chrome using the new shortcut on the desktop and pinned shortcut.
Method 3. Undo Recent Updates
One of the best features of Google Chrome is that it updates itself in the background without any prompt. Sometimes a problem occurs when Chrome tries to update itself to a newer version; if the update fails, it will be unstable.

As you can see in the above image, Chrome has two versions in the Application folder 81.0.4044.113, the older version, and 83.0.4103.116, the latest version.
Open both folders and check which has less number of files; if the older version has less no. of files, then –
Access the newer version’s folder and, copy all the subfolders & files and paste them into the older version’s folder.
These versions may be different on your computer; Chrome had the above versions installed on my computer when writing this article. Find the latest Google Chrome version and copy-paste the files accordingly.
Try to open Google Chrome now and check whether it is working.
Method 4. Delete Chrome.dll file
Thanks to Eric Schmidt [Comment on YouTube Video] for this fix; Chrome.dll is a file that contains various settings for the browser. If Chrome isn’t opening, delete this chrome.dll file from the application folder.

Open C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application then open the chrome version folder. Find and delete chrome.dll. Deleting this DLL file removes all the older settings of google chrome.
This solution also worked for many users.
Method 5. Google Chrome Offline Installer
Download Firefox or Edge browsers, If Edge and Firefox browsers are working, you need to check Chrome in safe mode. Boot your windows in safe mode and check if Chrome can open or not.
If safe mode works, then some windows services are causing the issue. You need to disable certain services and try and test to find which Windows service is responsible for the chrome issue.
If it is still not working, uninstall Google Chrome entirely from Programs and Features while in safe mode and delete all the associated files from the “Appdata” and Windows application folder.
Download the google chrome offline installer and install it in normal mode.
This option also worked for many users.
Method 6. Fix the Chrome Compatibility Issue
If you have upgraded your Windows PC from Windows 7, 8.1 to Windows 10 or 11, then you may face this issue.
After the upgrade, Chrome will not open due to Microsoft’s installer automatic settings. This installer will set Chrome’s execution mode for the older version of Windows.
After an upgrade, you must change the compatibility settings to fix the Compatibility issue.
1. Locate the Chrome shortcut on the desktop. (If you don’t have a chrome shortcut on the desktop, make it).
2. Right-click on the Shortcut and Click Properties, then select the Compatibility tab.

3. Uncheck the box which says “Run this program in compatibility mode“, then hit Apply and OK.
You can try checking and unchecking this option; it may work for any of these options.
Now check if Google Chrome is opening or not.
Method 7. Clean Your Google Chrome
Download Chrome Cleanup Tool using a different browser (obviously) and locate the downloaded program, and double-click to open it.
This program won’t install on your computer; it is a flash scanner to find suspicious programs and reset Google Chrome Settings.

Clean up tool will scan for the conflicting program; if it does find any such program, then it is recommended to uninstall those programs.
If it does not find any suspicious program, then click on Continue.

The cleanup tool will try to open and reset Chrome settings. (Try this fix before trying other mentioned fixes)
Reboot your computer and check if it is working or not.
Method 8. Adjusting the Firewall and Antivirus
Sometimes your Antivirus or Firewall may block specific actions to be taken by your computer.
If you have an antivirus program installed, try to turn it off temporarily and check if you can open Google Chrome.
Create an exception to the Firewall setting for Google Chrome.

Open Windows Firewall from the control panel and Click Allow an App through the Windows Firewall.
Now browser the Chrome.exe from C:\Program Files\Chrome\Application and add the exception.
Check the Private option for Chrome.exe.
Method 9. Fix Corrupt User Profile
An answer by Google Expert suggests that if Google Chrome cannot open and won’t give any error message, you may have a broken user profile.
You are creating a new user profile to get your Chrome working again.
- Press the Win+R key on your keyboard; type %localappdata%, then hit OK.
- It will take you to the AppData folder and navigate to Google\Chrome\Userdata.
- Now, look for the Default folder in User Data; rename this Default folder to anything else like “Default1” or Default Backup.”
- Restart your PC without any try to open it.
Once restarted, try to open Chrome and check if it is working. At this point, Chrome will create a new User Profile Named “Default” with new settings.
If you have trouble fixing a corrupt User Profile, Check this Article to Reset Chrome, Where I have written the detailed procedure.
Method 10. System Restore
System restore can revert the settings to an older date when Chrome was working. It will also uninstall the programs and updates installed after a restore point.
- Press the Win+R key to open the Run dialog box.
- Type in “rstrui.exe” and hit OK. It will open the system restore option.
- Look for the recent restore points when Chromeewas working fine, select the restore point date and hit Next.

If you are lucky enough, you will find recent restore points even if you haven’t created them manually.
A successful restore can revert the changes, and Chrome should work again. Remember that system restore will remove every software and setting created after the restore point.
All the methods mentioned above helped thousands of users to fix the Google Chrome not opening issue; you need to try different fixes for your computer, and any of the above methods may work for you.
There may be slight differences in the Windows version you are using, but it will work on all major versions of OS like Windows 11, Windows 10, 8.1 & 7.
Since this happens due to incompatible programs or malware attacks, it is advised to run a malware scan using good antivirus like Hitman Pro, check your system type, and download, and install Hitman Pro.
It will quickly scan critical areas and delete found malware; this antivirus comes free for the first 30 days with full access; you need to register with your email.
Always install a good antivirus program to avoid any such issue in the future; having a full version of an antivirus gives you peace of mind, protects your PC from different types of malware, and offers internet security.
Or you can also install a free antivirus; these free antivirus programs provide essential security from numerous PC threats.
Let me know which method fixed the Google Chrome not working issue. If you face any trouble with all the above solutions, comment below.
Must Read-
- Ultimate Tips to Make Windows 8/8.1 Faster than Ever
- How to Fix Slow Running Windows 10 – 200% Faster PC
- Make Chrome Faster By Fixing High RAM Memory Usage
- 5 Must-Have Google Chrome extension for Every Chrome User.
Try the mentioned fixes; first, try to end all Google Chrome processes from the task manager, and if it doesn’t work, then create a new shortcut and check if it is working.
High RAM usage by Chrome can make it unresponsive. Close all Chrome tabs and unnecessary programs running in the background.
Disable unused Chrome extensions and plugins.
To fully reset Chrome to factory settings when it is not opening, rename the default folder in Appdata.
Follow this article – Reset Chrome Without Opening it.
If Chrome is corrupted, try resetting or reinstalling it completely. If it is not working after a clean install, change the Chrome Ownership to the current user account on Windows PC.
Open the Task Manager and go to details options. Find all the Chrome processes and terminate them. Right-click on each process and click “End Process Tree.”
The high memory usage can make Chrome slow. Learn to make Chrome faster.