How to See Hidden Friend List of someone on Facebook

No wonder Facebook is the most extensive social network today with over a billion users across the world, and Facebook is getting smarter and wiser day by day; it gets updates every month; Facebook updates security and privacy for user’s profiles, one of the privacy feature added by Facebook lately is to hide your friend list even from your friends. If you hide your friend list, your friend will be able to see mutual friends only. Also, if someone hides their friend list, the same thing applies to you.

sometimes you may need to check someone’s hidden friend list because you are looking for someone but cannot find them; maybe they are friends with your friend, but you can’t see the hidden friend list because your friend’s friend list is set to private.

hidden friend list facebook
So if you want to see someone’s hidden friend list, then you need to perform a Graph Search on Facebook; if you and the target profile have at least 1 friend in common, then Graph Search will help you to find hidden friends of the target profile, does it sound Complex? Not to worry, here is a Google Chrome Extension that does perform the Graph search for you.

Must Check:- Reveal hidden photos of any Facebook user

Uncover / See Hidden Friend List of  your friend on Facebook

To reveal Someone’s private friend list on Facebook, you need to follow these steps-

1. Add Facebook Friend Mapper (link removed) Extension to your Google Chrome Browser.

2. After adding this Extension, reload the Facebook, and you will get a new tab on the Facebook profile of your friend named “Reveal Friends.

see hidden friend list facebook

3. All you need to do is Click on Reveal Friends, and it will start scanning for their private friend list. It may take time, depending on how long their friend list is.

4. After scanning, it will show you the Facebook IDs of all their friends in a pop-up window like this-

see hidden friend list

Now you can go through their friend list and look for the friend you are searching for. It does not show their name in search results, so you have to guess that friend by looking at Facebook IDs.

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Note that this is a Google Chrome extension, so you need to have google chrome installed. Also, you and the target profile must have at least 1 friend in common i,e 1 mutual friend requires for this extension to work.

How Does Facebook Friend Mapper Extension Work? OR See Hidden Friend List Manually

As mentioned above, this extension performs a Graph Search on Facebook by taking your friends’ Facebook ID and one of your Mutual Friend’s Facebook ID as –

with both user’s IDs insert them to a single URL which looks like –

With this search, it shows you, common friends of theirs, it may result in a few friends. After getting one or more friends by this search, it again performs a graph search between Friend’s Facebook ID and the new found Facebook IDs, it goes many times and results in the list of private friends of your friend.

Manually it is hard to perform the above task, so to automate this process, a script is written in the form of Google Chrome extension.

Update 1:- As if now the Google Chrome extension has been removed from the Chrome Webstore, I am looking for other ways to see hidden friends and will update once I get any new method.

Update 2:- As I mentioned above, the Google  Chrome Extension has been removed from Webstore here is the trick I found, but it has certain limitations.

The trick is simple, whenever you create a new Facebook profile and send someone a friend request, Facebook does show the recommended profiles to add next as People You May Know. (Recommended profiles always belong to whom you send the friend request).

The trick is to create a new Facebook profile and send the targeted profile friend request, and you will get their friends on the recommendation list.

Create a new Facebook profile and send the friend request only to the targeted profile whose Hidden friend list you want to see.

The limitation is if their profile is private and has privacy to accept the friend request from only “Friends of Friend,” then you won’t be able to send the request.

But here is another trick, add that person from your original ID, or you may already be friends with them.

Add the new profile to your original profile as a friend,

Then the new profile would be able to send them a friend request, but the new profile will get the recommendation from both(Your original profile and the victim’s profile); you can filter their friends by checking your friend list.

Also Read –

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